🥰 It's just, love.

Howdy, Zack here.

I love you. Yes, you. And, that love is not conditional.

We all have our faults. I know when I've been at my worst, that I need others' love the most.

Unless you've been living under a rock or you've intentionally disconnected (can't blame you), you've seen the effect of deliberate division — the recent assassination attempt on former President Trump.

No matter your political beliefs, this sort of hatred has no place in our world. It stems from the polarization of our country, where politicians, unscrupulous media, and puppeteers intentionally played us all. Yes, all 'sides'. All of us.

Yet, as Jesus taught, a house divided cannot stand.

We've all seen this in our daily lives and work. Division, anger, frustration, gossip, factions, and intentional tearing apart wreak havoc on everything that was once beautiful. It breaks marriages and destroys companies.

Who is to blame?

I am.

I've been caught up in divisive discussions and unhealthy rhetoric. But I've realized this behavior only fuels division, even if it's just within my heart.

It doesn't mean I don't have firmly held beliefs. Yet my love for people must always come first. I can hold something true and still treat others with respect, even when we disagree. I do fine in person, but I can excuse other behaviors that aren't helpful — getting sucked into sides, divisive posts, and frustration that consumes me. I've scrolled endlessly until the wee hours of the morning searching for something to make sense; only to end up more tired, more frustrated, and less happy.

So, what's the answer?

It's right in front of me and you.


We may disagree, and that's okay. When we disagree in love, we have a healthy debate that doesn't place the issue before the person. News flash... we're all wrong at times. I know, I know. You're less wrong. I feel that too. But that's the problem. We all feel that way, and when we allow the division to divide us, we all lose.

How do we lead with love?


  • Lean Into Love
    Before diving into who’s right or wrong, start conversations with a foundation of love for the person. Prioritizing love creates space for healthier, more empathetic discussions.
  • Put People First
    Remember, relationships matter most. Despite differing views, prioritize the person over the disagreement. Nurture connections and mutual respect above the topic at hand.
  • Encourage Healthy Debates
    Embrace constructive dialogue. Not every viewpoint is right or healthy, but respectful exchanges promote growth and understanding. How many people change their minds when they feel attacked and not cared for personally?

Just remember:
In a world of division, love remains our strongest bond and our greatest healer. 🥰


  1. 🪑 Anthros — My back would love this chair
  2. 🫖 Aarke — I think I love this kettle
  3. ✍️ Allan Peters — Love his ‘logo fix’ posts

Until next Wednesday (and every Wednesday thereafter), reach for love first.

How We Scale

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