There Is No Tomorrow

Howdy, Zack here.

There is no tomorrow.

There is no yesterday.

There is only today.

We plan for the future.

We reflect back to the past.

Yet, the most important moment is now.

It's easy to get caught up in thinking about the future or reminiscing about the past. I'm guilty of this, too. My wife, Gwen, and our kids will tell you so. They know how much I love seeing the old photos of 'when' scroll across the Apple TV. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn't overshadow the importance of the present moment.

On the way to our friend's local coffee shop this morning, I was reminded of how precious each day is. My close friend has just returned from a cancer clinic in Mexico. In the US, the system gave up on him, prescribing hospice and ready to pay out his life insurance, even though he's only 44 with two kids and a wife at home. Yet, the doctors in Mexico treated him like he was worth the time, money, and attention to save his life. After three weeks, his cancer hasn't grown, and he's shown improvements in a number of areas. There's hope for the future. And, believe me, he's cherishing each day with his family.

It shouldn't take things like cancer to wake us up. Yet, unfortunately, too many of us are asleep at the wheel.

We waste hours a day on social media, we eat poorly, and we don't take care of our bodies.

And we put off important things until tomorrow.

Are you ready to live in the present?


  • Clean House
    It's tough to focus when your life is a mess. Clean it up, literally and figuratively.
  • Get Clear
    You can't do everything at once. Get clear on your priorities and put your attention where it matters most.
  • Take Action
    Start your day right. Get up, get ready, and put your time towards your top priorities.
Just remember:
This moment is what matters most. Use it wisely. 🙏


  1. 🎶 Heart of Gold — A little Neil for you.
  2. ☕️ Nambah — If in SoCal, give them a visit.
  3. 💨 Mila Air — Perfect for my little studio.

Until next Wednesday, enjoy all the little moments.

How We Scale

Gain the lessons and hard-fought wins that help my clients go from Stuck to Scaling, earning Millions more & becoming Best Places to Work. No AI, just stories from my journey as an entrepreneur, executive coach, and dad of triplets + Jenna brings our key takeaway to life in a simple sketch. Grab a cup of joe and join us!

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